Talking about Photobooks

Welcome to Photobook Week Aarhus!

We are a small festival dedicated for a decade to the photographic book as a medium of artistic production. This year, we have published Talking about Photobooks, a a publication that draws on the experiences and learnings of these the last ten years. The contributions are based on artist talks, panels, keynote speeches and presentations in the framework of the festival, edited and revisited to reflect the main aspects of the photobook.

You can purchase the book directly at Galleri Image’s Webshop, or from your local bookshop. The publication has already made it into some important libraries worldwide, and is distributed by our co-publisher, fw:books, and Ideabooks.

Book Launch

On 26 October 2024, Galleri Image presented yet another celebration of the world of photobooks with a special event filled with exciting thought-provoking talks and unique photobooks. This date marked the official book launch of our new publication Talking about Photobooks, which collects the most important discussions about the photobook from the last ten years of our festival and presents a number of examples of significant photobooks and movements within the photobook medium. It is a characteristic of Photobook Week Aarhus that we have always placed a high value on conversation and discussion about the photobook, and we want to do the same with the publication.
Since we have placed a lot of emphasis on making the book something very special, we have opted to scale down this year’s festival to a one-day event to be held on 26 October 2024, so that we will have time to put the necessary effort into creating and promoting the book without having to make compromises with the quality our guests have come to expect from our festival. Here, as in previous years, we will bring together Danish and international photobook lovers for a series of talks, each of which will shed light on photographic art and the photobook medium.

The special photobook event in 2024 is made possible through support from the Augustinus Foundation.

Besides the day event in October in Aarhus, Talking about Photobooks has been promoted in 2024  through talks and other events  in Japan, France, Poland and Austria.

March: Photography Stronghold, Tokyo
April: Softcover Bookshop, Vienna
June : Institut pour la photographie, Lille
September: Festiwal Fotografii W Ramach Sopotu FFWRS, Photo Festival, Sopot
November:  Paris Photo, Polycopies and Offprint Art Book Fair, Paris

More information on Galleri Image’s Website.


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Thank you for 10 years of Photobook Week Aarhus!

From the left: Asta Nyyssonen, Triin Kerge, Olle Essvik, Nanna Lykke Larsen, Jose Luis Neves, Emily Beresford, Jesper Rasmussen, Frédérique Deschamps, Silvia Schiermacher, Gerry Badger, Sonia Lenzi, Moritz Neumüller, Vreni Hockenjos, Anna Brix Nielsen, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Thomas Wiegand, Martin Dannesboe Singh, Jens Friis, Rolf Sachsse

From the left:
Asta Nyyssonen, Triin Kerge, Olle Essvik, Nanna Lykke Larsen, Jose Luis Neves, Emily Beresford, Jesper Rasmussen, Frédérique Deschamps, Silvia Schiermacher, Gerry Badger, Sonia Lenzi, Moritz Neumüller, Vreni Hockenjos, Anna Brix Nielsen, Anne Elisabeth Toft, Thomas Wiegand, Martin Dannesboe Singh, Jens Friis, Rolf Sachsse

Photobook Week Aarhus 2023, Future Revisited: Capturing Hope Amid Challenges, is over.
A big THANK YOU to our guests, vendors, artists, curators and sponsors! Please find the Programme here.

We payed homage to Albert Renger Patzsch’s book “Die Welt ist schön” (The World is Beautiful), published 95 years ago, and proposed a new wave of optimism. This search for the joy of our existence included a look into the future, and other things that make us happy.

This edition’s side-themes included Photonovels and Children’s Books, while on the geographical axis we looked at Estonia and Lebanon.

This year, the festival also had a special focus on Artificial Intelligence as an image-making technique and a tool for creating new narratives. This included a Call for artists, seminars, and online workshops PWA AI Workshop Programme (book your place in the workshop programme here!).

The 10th anniversary of Photobook Week Aarhus will be duly celebrated with a compendium co-published with Fw:books that explores some of the most important moments in the history of the medium, and our small contribution to it.

As always, the festival closed with the yearly Sunday photobook market, where the public had the opportunity to buy photobooks from all over the world, both from second-hand dealers and from the publishers and artists themselves.

What's new?

The book has finally arrived! 10 years of wisdom packed between two yellow covers.

Unpacking “Talking about Photobooks”!

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“Talking About Photobooks” Launch: 26.10.2024

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On 26 October 2024, we invite…
Vreni holding a photobook

Interview with Vreni Hockenjos

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This was PWA 2023

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  1. The curatorial team (from…


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Exhibition: Candida Höfer: Photobooks

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Shortlist of AI Contest

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Exhibition on photo and artistic books from Estonia

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Your Time is My Time Curated…

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Exhibition: Architecture & Photobooks by Rolf Sachsse

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Open Book Call for Publishers

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Photobook Week Aarhus, our yearly festival exploring the wonderful world of the photobook, turns ten this year! Join us, when we celebrate our anniversary with one of our most ambitious programmes to date.

Under the theme Future Revisited, Photobook Week 2023 will be a celebration of what is worth saving in times of trouble. We do not deny that our planet is suffering from our actions and things are getting worse every day. Still, we propose a fresh look and a new wave of optimism to encourage artists to shape a new discourse around things such as Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence.

Multiple Local Venues

Galleri Image, ARoS Aarhus Art Museum, Aarhus School of Architecture, DOKK1, and HEART – Herning Museum of Contemporary Art will once again house a wide variety of curious, creative, and thought-provoking exhibitions, talks and workshops.

Open Call and Workshops – AI at the Heart of Art

Find the shortlist of our Open Call for artists working with AI and check out our workshop programme, organized in collaboration with The Curator Ship Academy. Artists and renowned public speakers Boris Eldagsen and paula roush will give insights into how to use AI in image making and photobook publishing (Application closing soon!).

Thank You!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our sponsors. This year PWA is made possible by the City of Aarhus (Kulturudviklingspuljen), Dreyers Fond, Politiken-Fonden, Instituto Camões, Portugal’s Embassy in Denmark, Nordea-fonden and Institut Français Danemark.

Find the curatorial statement and preliminary programme 2023 of Photobook Week Arhus 2023 to dive deeper.



Talking about Photobooks


Talking about Photobooks