Coming soon: Talking about Photobooks
Published by Photobook Week Aarhus in collaboration with Fw:Books (Amsterdam)
Edited by Moritz Neumüller
Designed by Hans Gremmen
Editorial Board: Beate Cegielska, Jesper Rasmussen, Moritz Neumüller and Anne Elisabeth Toft
This book draws on the experiences and learnings of Photobook Week Aarhus, a small festival dedicated for the last ten years to the photographic book as a medium of artistic production. The contributions are based on artist talks, panels, keynote speeches and presentations in the framework of the festival, edited and revisited to reflect the main aspects of the photobook.
Contributors include Irene Attinger, Gerry Badger, Irina Chmyreva, Kyungwoo Chun, Frederique Deschamps, Boris Eldagsen, Olle Essvik, David Fathi, John Fleetwood, Olubukola Gbadegesin, Yining He, Vreni Hockenjos, Per Bak Jensen, Adam Mazur, Athol McCredie, Lars Movin, José Luis Neves, Kateryna Radchenko, Rolf Sachsse, Mette Sandbye, Markus Schaden, David Solo, Bart Sorgedrager, Megan Tamati-Quennell, Thomas Wiegand, and many others.

Download the PDFs of our MARKET series, joint discussion between Unseen Book Market and Photobook Week Aarhus on the market for photobooks. While the first edition Market? What Market? (2017-2018) focused on the general role of the photobook market today, the second edition What? Market? Market! (2018-2019) explores solutions for the field’s challenges. Artists, independent publishers, collectors and mediators reflect on new developments, the importance of reaching different audiences, and consider sustainable models of book production.
Stijn van der Linden, an essay on the concave city corner, 2019
PWA Dummy Award 2018
In collaboration with Kvadrat, Idea Books, Reflektor, and European Photography.
Stijn van der Linden’s photobook is an exploration of how spaces become spaces and how photography can influence this process. It is an artistic experiment that examines concave city corners and tries to systemize corners using certain codes and diagrams related to their physical appearances. Do corners create their own places by connecting certain colours, materials and objects… or is it all a matter of people’s perception? an essay on the concave city corner is a poetic and faux-scientific look on hidden and vague locations in the city.